Not all treasures are found on deserted islands or forbidden mountains. You can find some of them in quite obvious places.
Take for instance the case of Luke Mahoney. He found 15th-century silver coins in the garden of a pub named the Lindsay Rose.
It’s a matter of luck coupled with wise decisions.
If you want to find some incredible treasure and don’t know where to start, you can refer to the list below.

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40 Best Places To Metal Detect
1. Backyard
It might be hard to believe that there is a treasure buried in your backyard. But wouldn’t it be foolish to ignore the odds.
A famous example of finding treasure in the backyard is of a 30-year old man from Grand Rapids.
As he was digging his backyard, he found old metal toys such as cars, an airplane, trucks, and a World War I Tank.
Other things found included an antique telephone and a 1937 newspaper. So, cross your fingers, take your metal detectors, and start digging.
2. Coin Garden
If you ever get a chance to visit a coin garden, you will likely find coins that can be of great value.
When prospecting on grounds like these, you need to be very careful and patient.
If you are fortunate, you will find coins that belong to the ancient or medieval period like these Tudor coins worth £14,000 discovered by metal-detecting enthusiasts in the Milton Keynes area.
3. Sports fields and bleachers
Sports fields cover a large area, which means that there is a great possibility of finding little treasures here and there.
When I mentioned at the beginning that you have to be careful while prospecting in some places, this is one of them.
If you take a metal detector and stroll directly on a sports field, you’re surely going to get thrown out.
It’s better to seek permission or follow the protocols so you don’t end up in trouble for practicing your hobby.
Moreover, when digging in such places, try using a pinpointer metal detector to get a precise target.
It will keep you from digging huge holes and destroying the freshly mowed grass.
4. Shores of a creek
Creeks are quite mysterious, but they are an ideal spot to look for lost jewelry, gold, or small coins. There have been many interesting finds in small rivers and creeks in the past.
Once a fisherman found a 4th-century Scopio’s Shield while fishing on the banks of Rhone River.
When looking for relics and valuables in a creek, you’ll need a waterproof metal detector, and it should be made of metal that does not react with saltwater.
5. Schools
Schools are one of the best places to metal detect, especially if the school has been established decades ago.
From jewelry to relics to antiques, there is a good possibility of finding at least one of them.
Moreover, schools cover a large area with a lot of open spaces like playgrounds, lawns, and gardens.
However, you might need the permission of the school or the property owner for prospecting.
6. Churches
Churches are usually decades old and have a lot of people visiting every day.
Considering these factors alone, there’s a good chance of finding jewelry and gold relics in and around church premises.
As churches are considered holy and a place of faith, it’s better to keep some things in mind before even taking your equipment there.
First, get the permission of the necessary authorities and also explain to them the reason you want to participate in this hobby.
Second, make sure the times you want to visit don’t clash with that of the prayer services. Lastly, shop for equipment that has volume adjustment functionality.
If the church has a graveyard, keep out of it. The last thing you want to do is get into any trouble or offend someone.
7. Picnic Groves
Picnic spots are a great place to look for jewelry and coins. However, it’s not easy gold prospecting in these areas, as these places are known to be heavily littered.
To avoid digging for bottle caps and tabs you should use the highest discrimination level your metal detector can provide.
Even though the chance of finding something valuable in a place like this is 10:1, the find might just make your day.
8. Scout Camps
Scout camps are built on places that have a good amount of history attached to them. Here you can find things that are at least 50-100 years, but there is a catch.
To search these areas, you will need permission from the local chapter and scouts.
9. Ghost Towns
When oil made its entrance to the US, and the gold rush was booming, many small towns were built around places that were believed to have oil or were closer to a city.
Not all of these towns stand to this day, as people left their houses and moved away for a better life.
If you happen to know any such abandoned settlement, many incredible things are waiting for you.
Gaining access to these towns can be an arduous task, as some of them are on privately owned lands. So, you will have to acquire special permission to prospect at such properties.
You can also find many such towns with a little online research.
10. Library
For detectorists, libraries are not just a place of knowledge but also a store of interesting relics.
Some libraries can be hundreds of years old, and in days of old, they were very important to people.
You can try your luck around or in such libraries. Some libraries have metal detectors of their own that you can use if you have a library card.
11. Lakes
Just like creeks, lakes can be a great place for prospecting. As lakes are bigger than creeks, there’s a chance of finding some big items but also the danger of injuries and mishaps.
So, you need to be very cautious when searching for valuables.
You can look for many things in a lake such as old cars, jewelry, fishing equipment, relics, and even small gold nuggets.
To go prospecting in a lake, you have to be equipped with a waterproof metal detector, pinpointer, swimming suit, and a finds bag.
You will also have to reach to the bottom of the lake at times to find something valuable.
12. Old taverns and bars
Old taverns that boast about being the place for cowboys and countrymen back in the day can be your playground to find some old coins, belt buckles, old bottle caps, and more.
To use a metal detector in a tavern or pub, you will need the permission of the owner.
When searching for an old tavern, you will find a lot of waste like new coins, bottle caps, and little pieces of metal, but you need to stay determined.
13. Amusement Parks
Amusement parks are one of the hardest places to get permission for prospecting. If you get permission, you will very likely come across something of great value.
If an amusement has been abandoned for a long time, you might end up finding something ultra-rare.
You need to look near rollercoasters and other rides to find coins and jewelry that could have dropped out of people’s pockets.
14. Garages & Carports
Old garages and carports that used to be the most visited places in town can be in your top 5 places to go with a metal detector list.
People around the world love cars and finding a part or even the insignia of a vintage car can be considered a great find.
You can look for things like old tools and toolboxes that belonged to one of the mechanics who worked there back in the day.
Places like these also have old coins or banknotes that can be a valuable addition to your growing collection.
15. Old mills
This particular option requires extreme measures to get permission for prospecting.
However, if you do, it could be an experience that you might have not had in a long time.
In days gone by, mills used to have quarters where workers used to reside after work. You will easily find old coins and relics in quarters like this.
Furthermore, you can also look for other things like tools, books, and even pieces of jewelry that are regarded as a worthy find.
16. Flea Markets
Flea markets have been around since the dawn of civilizations. You might have one around your city.
Such places are incredible for a metal hunt, as you might come across coins or things that have been dropped or lost by a vendor or a buyer.
Some flea markets could have underground storage, and if you find any such place, the entire thing could bring you a fortune.
17. Hiking Trails
Hiking is one of the oldest practices in the world. Today, we hike for fun, but centuries ago, people used to climb mountains for migration.
Using a metal detector in such hiking trails can help you find countless items that can date back many centuries.
When hunting on such trails, you have to be very careful and stick to using a pinpointer, as you don’t want to keep digging out caps, tabs, and other waste items.
18. Old Gardens
Old Gardens are a great spot for finding treasure that was either lost or intentionally buried.
During the Great Depression, people buried their valuables in the gardens as they stopped trusting the banks.
To keep it safe, many of them did not reveal the location of such treasures till their last breath, not even to their family.
Finding such treasures is kind of easy at times. Most of them were buried in sunny spots and where the ground was a little flat.
You can also look at the spots that are near the homesites or outbuildings. People buried their valuables near these spots to avoid forgetting.
19. Scenic Spots
Scenic spots might seem an unusual place to look for treasure, but you can find some great valuables here.
A lot of people who visit such places hide their memorabilia in such spots hoping to find them again in the future when they come back.
When choosing a spot, it’s better to steer clear from ones that are owned by the government.
You find such information on the internet. However, there is an astounding number of scenic spots around private land and rural mountains.
Since the government will not allow you to go prospecting on federally owned property, you can keep your hopes high on the private spots.
20. Love spots
Love spots are places where couples go to spend their time alone in the open. Most couples hide their valuables to signify their love and to unearth them again after a few years.
Now, it would be both rude and awkward to go snooping in such places while couples are still there.
You can choose a time when the place is empty or during the off-season. If you have the right equipment, you can even go gold prospecting at night.
21. Old Motels
Motels that were established more than 30-50 years ago should be on your list of the best places to metal detect.
There’s a good chance that you might end up finding jewelry, old coins, and relics. You can search in the rooms and parking lots of these places too.
You can also use the metal detectors on the grounds or the area next to it. These places can help you find some great items.
22. Bootlegging Routes
During the Prohibition period, people created alternate routes that you might not find on the map.
These routes were used for transport, the supply of goods, and peddling alcohol to people across the city.
Since these activities were deemed illegal at the time, it was quite secretive.
Bootleggers carrying goods and money, often dumped them when they were about to get caught.
If you come across one such route, take a team of detectorists with you and search the entire route. You will find old coins, relics, and even old aged alcohol.
23. Waterfalls
Waterfalls are notoriously famous for people dropping valuable items into. Many people even throw memorabilia of their loved ones in there so that they’re never found again.
Most of all, waterfalls are scenic areas, and people regularly visit these places, so you don’t have to worry about getting permission.
Nonetheless, you need to be cautious and safe with your movements and avoid falling into the water.
24. Neighboring lands of Historical sites
You may never be able to prospect a historical site, but nobody is stopping you from hunting for metal in the land next to it.
Battlefields, forts, and shrines are places that have high historical significance, and they usually have high security.
If there is a field or just a piece of barren land next to the site, you can try prospecting there instead.
These places are open to all everyone, and you might not need any form of permission for prospecting such lands.
You can find things like old battle equipment, coins, relics, and more in such places.
25. Beaches
If you look for prospecting videos on the internet, you will find most of them are on beaches.
There is a great chance of finding many valuables at beaches with the help of a metal detector.
Moreover, the low density of the sand makes it easy to detect metal buried deep down. You can also use a waterproof metal detector to search for things on the banks.
When prospecting on a beach, you will have to set the discrimination level high on your detector to avoid digging up caps, cans, and other types of litter.
You can also use a pinpointer to avoid losing a valuable item in the sand.
26. Hunting Camps
Hunting Camps that have been around for many years may have been a hunting space for renowned hunters who have made their mark in history.
Since hunting grounds cover a large area, it might take some time to find something valuable.
When using a metal detector in such places, you should look for bullet shells, hunting equipment, observation books, old coins, keys, etc.
You need to keep in mind that hunting grounds are private properties, so you will need permission before practicing your hobby.
27. Old homestead houses
An old homestead located in the hamlets can also hold a lot of valuable things. There have been many instances of people finding treasures in the backyard or farms of such homesteads.
The most difficult part of prospecting in a homestead is to find the owner and get his or hers permission.
Some homesteads are abandoned for decades with the owners never even visiting these places.
However, you can connect with a genealogy group to find the owners and get their permission.
28. Playgrounds
Playgrounds are one of the most notable targets for detectorists as the huge landmass has numerous visitors a day. You never know what you might find in a playground.
Coins and jewelry are some of the common things that you can find but you can also stumble upon a relic or pieces of gold.
You might want to take the permission of the playground authorities before you start prospecting.
29. Shipwrecks
Ships carry precious cargo and in the event of wreckage, most of it gets lost in the ocean.
Even though the shipping companies send search parties to recover the goods, they are often unable to find everything.
So, if you come across a shipwreck, grab a metal detector and start scanning. There is a lot that you can find in a broken ship.
You can find tools, diaries, coins, relics, lost goods, and the belongings of onboard sailors in the wreckage.
When searching for valuable items in shipwrecks, it is important to use a pinpointer metal detector.
As there’s a chance that the saltwater might have corroded the metal or relic.
30. Fairgrounds
City fairs and county fairs have been a part of life for many years. People used common venues for such fairs and crowds attended them in large numbers.
You can search for these places on the internet and start a metal hunt.
If the place has been used as a fairground for decades, you can expect to find a lot of special things.
The thing you will find in abundance is coins. Fair games are loved by children, and they only cost a penny for a game. Children change their dollar for pennies and play games.
Numerous times children drop the pennies on the ground and lose them due to the crowd. Apart from the coins, you can find old toys, tools, and even jewelry.
31. Fishing area
Fishing areas are another cool spot for treasure hunters. You can find vintage fishing equipment such as fishing rods, radios, diaries, old sunglasses, and more.
For metal hunting in fishing areas, you need to have waterproof equipment and a waterproof find bag.
32. Tourist spots
A lot of tourists lose many things when visiting a popular tourist spot. So, if you go to a tourist spot with a metal detector, you will surely find lots of foreign coins, gadgets, and jewelry.
You need to keep in mind that the tourist spot should not be out of bounds. For instance, you can’t go metal hunting at a world heritage site without authorization.
33. Old ports
Just like shipwrecks old ports are also known to hold an incredible number of valuable items.
Some ports may be owned by the Federal government, but you can get access to others freely.
At an old port, you can find things like old maps, compasses, boat and ship equipment, toolboxes, jewelry, and coins.
34. Goldmines
Getting into a goldmine is next to impossible, but you can scan the ground around it and still have a chance to find small or large gold nuggets.
When prospecting around a goldmine, you need to be careful as you have to maintain a certain distance from the mine.
Try not to dig too deep as you might catch the attention of the authorities. Keep your detection sensitivity low and use a pinpointer to make sure you only dig in precise places.
35. Abandoned Mines
Metal hunting in mines that are closed for decades can be risky. As the structure of mines becomes highly unstable and can collapse at any time.
Therefore, it is necessary to take all the precautions before going in.
The rewards of metal hunting in abandoned mines are really rewarding. Mines have tailings, nuggets, and ores with gold veins.
There are things like iron items, hooks, rail ties, and old mining lamps.
36. Forests
Forests are a great option for metal detectorists. They are quiet and peaceful, and if you go early in the morning or late in the evening, you will not find many people around to disturb you.
When choosing a forest, you need to look for places that are frequently visited by people so that you can find the things they lose.
37. Old warehouses
There are many abandoned warehouses that can be used for metal hunting. What you find in this warehouse depends on the purpose it was used for.
Most warehouses in the past were used to store food items, weapons, spices, and more. So, you can expect to find some metal tools and coins.
38. Abandoned houses
This option is a little controversial as abandoned houses can be someone’s property, and if you pick anything from there it could be considered as stealing.
Here is where you can use your genealogy department network to find the owner of the house.
If the house is not owned by anybody, you can move in, but you have to submit the unique finds to the local museum.
39. Farms and Fields
Farms are known around the world to hold ancestral treasure which includes gold coins. If you happen to own a family farm you can start prospecting from there.
There is a chance that you won’t find much but it’s nothing to be discouraged about.
40. Colleges and Frat houses
Some colleges have a rich culture that spans decades and even centuries. Well, let’s not get into the centurion aspect of it.
But these colleges can have valuable relics buried in the ground that can be found and unearthed with the help of a metal detector.
If you are not allowed to prospect in the college, you can look into the frat houses and learn about the student culture that can often be decades old.
Using a metal detector for finding valuable items is exciting, but don’t forget to obey the rules and boundaries linked to that place.
I hope this article has helped you learn more about the best places to metal detect. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact
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