Garrett Ace 400 Review: In-Depth Features and Buyers Guide

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If you are a fan of treasure hunting, you probably already know that there are many different models of metal detectors to choose from.

In fact, it can be hard to decide which one is the best for you.

One popular model that has been getting a lot of attention lately is the Garrett Ace 400 Metal Detector.

This device has recently been upgraded to include some new features and it’s now more affordable than ever.

The Ace 400 is equipped with features like digital target ID, iron audio, cam locks, adjustable frequency, and much more.

If you’re thinking about purchasing a detector, this review will help you decide if the Garrett Ace 400 is right for you.

Let’s begin our review of this popular device.

Design, Appearance, and Ease of usage

For starters, the Ace 400 is a VLF metal detector that operates with a frequency of 10kHz. 

This is higher than the previous models, making the device more sensitive at locating small targets that have lesser conductivity. 

The increase in frequency is great for getting a balance between depth and sensitivity. 

This helps a lot when you’re hunting coins or relics, and also when searching for gold. 

Its lightweight construction is another advantage that makes it one of the top picks for detectorists. 

The entire machine weighs 2.9lbs, so using it all day won’t create problems for your arm. 

The machine comes with an adjustable stem that measures between 40-50 inches. There are cam locks on the stem that provide extra stability. 

Garrett has retained the standard design theme with the yellow color giving it a distinctive professional look. 

The Ace 400 works with four AA batteries that offer a search time of 25-hours.

You can keep track of the battery consumption with the battery-level indicator on the screen. 

When assembling the Ace 400, you have to join three parts of the detector. If you are using a metal detector for the first time, I recommend using the instruction manual to get the assembly right. 

To eliminate tottering and instability, the company has added cam locks to the joints. Due to these cam joints, you can swing the machine in any direction without the fear of parts falling apart. 

There might be a slight imbalance due to the large coil, but it will not affect your comfort in any way. 

Digital Target ID

The Ace 400 is the first detector in the Ace series to feature an LCD screen that shows Target ID. It is similar to the other detectors in this range that offer numbers from 0-99. 

When the metal detector locates a target, the display shows the conductivity value. It gives an estimate of the type of detected metal. 

Digital Target ID is said to be much more accurate than its predecessor segment identification. 

For instance, the Ace 350 is well equipped to tell you there is a quarter underneath. 

However, the Garrett Ace 400 uses target ID to provide detailed information about the target’s composition and whether it is made of silver or copper. 

These are some of the common numbers that the detector’s target ID will display if you are coin hunting. 

  • U.S. Clad Quarter: 87-90
  • U.S. Clad Dime: 83-85
  • U.S. Clad Nickel: 42-45
  • U.S. Clad Penny: 77-80

These numbers change due to ground conditions, nearby targets, depth, etc.

Other metal items like foil and iron are registered in the lower range, and the metals with high conductivity are in the upper range. 

This wide segmentation range makes the technology more accurate and keeps you from digging unwanted targets. 

However, if you are using a target ID detector for the first time, you might need some time to understand what the numbers mean. 

The company has retained its visual identification from previous models to help with this. 

Audio Features

This feature is vital for detectorists who rely on sound more than on the screen while prospecting. 

The Ace 400 features a three-tone audio system designed to emit three distinctive tones based on the metal’s conductivity.

The metal detector produces the signature bell-tone when it detects a metal that has high conductivity. 

For metals with low conductivity, the machine will deliver a low or medium-pitched signal. 

The company has added “Pulse-Width Modulation” audio to the Ace 400 that enables the machine to produce highly responsive audio that is sharper and makes hunting easier. 

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector – Digital Target ID, Iron Audio, Adjustable Frequency, Electronic Pinpointing, Includes Headphones & Searchcoil Cover
  • DIGITAL TARGET ID: 0-99 numeric scale helps identify metal conductivity for precise target identification.
  • IRON AUDIO FEATURE: Hear iron trash before digging to avoid unwanted targets like bottle caps and washers.
  • ELECTRONIC PINPOINTING: Non-motion All-Metal Mode helps accurately locate detected targets for easier recovery.
  • ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY: Minimize interference from electrical sources or other detectors in crowded areas.
  • INCLUDES FREE ACCESSORIES: Comes with ClearSound Easy Stow Headphones, ACE Environmental Cover-Up, and searchcoil cover.

Last update on 2025-03-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Adjustable frequency

Even though the Ace 400 has a lower price than most entry-level detectors, it offers an impressive frequency range suitable for all-round detection. 

The Ace 400 has a frequency range of 10kHz, which is higher than other detectors in a similar domain with 6-7kHz. 

When detectors are used in areas with electric power lines, the signal gets obstructed.

To get rid of such interference, the Ace 400 has been enhanced with the Adjustable Frequency feature. 

The Ace 400 is a single frequency VLF machine, wherein you can adjust the detector’s frequency to get more precise signals.

It comes in handy when you go metal hunting with friends, large groups, or common hunting grounds such as beaches or parks. 

The frequency should be adjusted only when hunting in areas that have the obstructions mentioned above. 

Ground Balance

The ground balance of the Ace 400 and the rest of the detectors in the Ace series is fixed; there is no option to adjust the machine’s ground balance. 

If you plan to buy the Ace 400 for casual use, the lack of ground balance will not be a problem. 

Adjusting ground balance takes practice, and beginners won’t face significant issues due to its absence.

Moreover, the Ace 400 performs well in different environmental conditions.

Ground balance is required when the detector is being used in regions that have high mineralization. 

The Ace 400 will have problems detecting valuables in areas such as beaches or any place with mineral-rich soil. 

It has not been designed to search for gold in areas with high mineralization. 

Search Modes 

The Ace 400 comes with 12 notches for discrimination displayed on the lower scale of the screen. 

It also has a legend that estimates the type of metal detected and which segment it belongs to. 

You can adjust the segments to add or eliminate the objects that are to be detected by the machine. 

The Ace 400 comes with five preset search modes that include. 

  • Zero-Disc: It is similar to the all-metal mode, but it has been programmed to detect all kinds of metal without using the discrimination mode. The screen will not show any segments as notched. It is best for finding unknown objects or when the signal received from the target is weak.
  • Jewelry: This mode helps filter the iron trash to find items like bracelets, rings, and necklaces.
  • Relics: In this mode, the machine eliminates smaller iron items while detecting objects with lower conductivity. The items can include bronze, brass, lead, and more. 
  • Coins: If you want the detector to find coins specifically, this is the mode you need to choose. On selecting this mode, the machine ignores trash items like bottle caps and pull tabs. The detector also tends to overlook items like medium-sized jewelry.
  • Custom: The Ace 400 allows you to create unique discrimination patterns to accept or reject segments of metals you don’t want the machine to detect. When the device is turned off, these settings are saved in the detector for future use. 

The custom mode makes the device more versatile than the ones with preset discrimination patterns. It is easy to eliminate the unwanted segments to make your search precise and quick.

Another notable quality of the Garrett Ace 400 is the ability to adjust the notch discrimination in any mode. 

Waterproof Search coil

Different search coils can be attached to the Ace 400. All of them are waterproof and are designed with unique features that make treasure hunting easier. 

Here are some of the coils that can be attached to the Garrett Ace 400. 

  • 8.5 x 11 inch DD search coil: Suitable coil for sensitivity and depth. 
  • 4.5 Super Sniper coil: Increases accuracy for smaller targets 
  • 5 x 8 inch DD coil: Increases performance in high mineralized areas.
  • 9 x 12-inch PROformance coil: Covers more ground without compromising on sensitivity 

Саm Lосkѕ

It may seem like an insignificant addition to a detector, but they do play a vital role in the Garrett Ace 400. 

The cam locks on the Ace 400 hold the parts together and offer stability and durability. 

It makes the shaft straight and robust. 

The cam locks are made from high-quality plastic, but they can support the detector where it’s needed the most, such as assembly points. 

Other Features

These are not the only features included in the Ace 400; many others make it a fantastic machine. Let’s take a look at such features. 

  • Pinpoint mode: Metal hunting can turn into a long process without a quality detector. Furthermore, some detectors only give you an estimate of the location and need pinpointers. The Ace 400 saves you from all this hassle.
  • Precise Location: It comes with an inbuilt pinpoint mode that gives you the precise location of the target. To activate the pinpoint mode, you have to press and hold the locate button for a few seconds. To get accurate results, keep the detector coil stationary over the target area. 
  • Depth Indicator: This feature also contributes to saving your time and energy while prospecting. It enables you to get an estimation of the depth at which the target is located. This keeps you from losing or damaging the target due to the digging. 

A legend indicates the depth on the right side of the screen. It shows depths in increments like 2,4, 6, and 8+. It shows how many inches deep the target lies. 

Garrett Ace 400 Depth Test

The Ace 400 is designed to detect metals buried 8-10 inches deep. 

However, the depth range can vary due to machine configuration, target size, ground conditions, etc.

When tested in a real field full of iron and coins, the Ace 400 could detect coins with sensitivity varying according to the signals received from the target.

When the machine hovered over a nickel buried 6-inch deep, it could locate it with ease, even with a lot of iron trash around. 

The metal detector was even able to locate dimes that were buried 8-inches deep. 

Garrett Ace 400 is an excellent detector in terms of depth reach. Its ability to locate valuables buried deep and around iron trash is impressive. 

To confirm the target, you can use the Iron Audio with the selected mode.

To increase the machine’s depth or accuracy, you can pair it with the different coils compatible with it. 

Here is a video below that you can watch to get an idea of the Garrett Ace 400’s deep seeking ability: 

Garrett Ace 400 Performance 

It is one of the simplest detectors in the market. Once assembled correctly, you can start your hunt almost instantly. 

If you are using a metal detector for the first time, a glance at the instruction manual is all you need. 

The Ace 400 offers commendable accuracy when searching for metal. The lightweight design makes it easy-to-handle and contributes to its excellent metal detecting abilities.

Like other detectors from Garrett, the Ace 400 can locate targets quickly and more accurately when configured to the top sensitivity segments. 

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector – Digital Target ID, Iron Audio, Adjustable Frequency, Electronic Pinpointing, Includes Headphones & Searchcoil Cover
  • DIGITAL TARGET ID: 0-99 numeric scale helps identify metal conductivity for precise target identification.
  • IRON AUDIO FEATURE: Hear iron trash before digging to avoid unwanted targets like bottle caps and washers.
  • ELECTRONIC PINPOINTING: Non-motion All-Metal Mode helps accurately locate detected targets for easier recovery.
  • ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY: Minimize interference from electrical sources or other detectors in crowded areas.
  • INCLUDES FREE ACCESSORIES: Comes with ClearSound Easy Stow Headphones, ACE Environmental Cover-Up, and searchcoil cover.

Last update on 2025-03-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The Ace 400 provides stunning performance even when it is set on low sensitivity segments. 

On detecting a coin, the detector produces a loud and clear tone different from other sounds produced by the device. 

You will undoubtedly love the discriminating ability of the Ace 400. It can eliminate the trash items from its detection pattern and help you locate what you’re looking for. 

It also has the iron audio feature that helps you find iron targets. 

Even the standard search coil included with the detector does a fantastic job. It detects and separates targets from trash seamlessly while giving you a decent depth reach.

If you wish to detect smaller targets, you will have to purchase smaller search coils. 

Its depth reach varies based on factors like settings, target size, ground mineralization, etc, just like other detectors. 

At this price, finding such exceptional sensitivity is rare. It can detect coins of medium-sized buried up to 8 inches deep.

The lack of ground balance adjustment does hit hard as it makes the detector unsuitable for usage in regions with high mineralization. 

When used on wet sand, the detector tends to report false readings. However, the detector works fine on dry sand. 

What Is The Difference Between The Garrett Ace 300 and 400?

The Ace 300 is the real entry-level detector and is an excellent alternative if you don’t want to spend more on a hobby you’ve only just started. 

In terms of appearance, there are many similarities between the two. However, it’s the features that make a difference. 

  • The Ace 300 comes with a smaller 7×10 concentric coil. This gives you less depth and iron discrimination. 
  • You don’t get the audio feature in the Ace 300, making it hard to differentiate between valuable items and trash. 

The Ace 300 and 400 are similar in shape and size and have a similar control box. You have to use a large-sized DD coil with the Ace 400. 

The control boxes of both detectors have the same size and weight. There is also a difference between the frequency output of both detectors.

The Ace 300 works at a frequency of 8kHz, whereas the Ace 400 operates with a 10kHZ frequency output. 

The Garrett Ace 400 comes with iron audio, which is not included in the Ace 300. 

With the iron audio feature, you estimate your target due to the sound it makes, which helps avoid digging unnecessarily. 

Garrett Ace 400 vs AT Pro: Which is best?

The ‘All-terrain’ series is an upgrade to the Ace series. This gives the AT Pro an edge compared to the Ace 400. 

The AT Pro operates with a frequency of 15kHz, enabling it to find smaller objects and has a faster recovery time to differentiate between targets located nearby.

The AT Pro has a fully submersible body and can be used in water 10-feet deep. This makes the machine suitable for underwater hunting. 

The AT Pro is designed to work well in areas with freshwater. 

The Pro has both automatic and manual ground balance mode. Due to this feature, the AT Pro can be used in areas with high levels of mineralization. 

On the other hand, the Ace 400 comes with a preset ground balance, limiting its ability to be used in different terrains. 

Considering the above features, it is clear that AT Pro is a better alternative. However, it comes with a high price, which makes it out of reach for many. 

If budget is the main deciding factor in your case, the Ace 400 can be an excellent choice for you. 

Garrett Ace 400 vs 300: Which is Best?

The Garrett Ace 400 has more features than its predecessor, as it was an upgrade for the detectorists. 

It is the better pick. However, this does not mean the Ace 300 does not have any benefits for detectorists. 

The Ace 300 has a similar design as the Ace 400, which means you will get almost the same comfort and carrying convenience as the higher variant. 

It has the same five modes, eight sensitivity, three audio tone levels, depth adjustments, and similar features at a lower price. 

However, features like Iron Audio, frequency output, search coil size, etc., are some of the things you won’t find in the Ace 300. 

If you’re cool with it, you have a fantastic deal on your hands. 

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector – Digital Target ID, Iron Audio, Adjustable Frequency, Electronic Pinpointing, Includes Headphones & Searchcoil Cover
  • DIGITAL TARGET ID: 0-99 numeric scale helps identify metal conductivity for precise target identification.
  • IRON AUDIO FEATURE: Hear iron trash before digging to avoid unwanted targets like bottle caps and washers.
  • ELECTRONIC PINPOINTING: Non-motion All-Metal Mode helps accurately locate detected targets for easier recovery.
  • ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY: Minimize interference from electrical sources or other detectors in crowded areas.
  • INCLUDES FREE ACCESSORIES: Comes with ClearSound Easy Stow Headphones, ACE Environmental Cover-Up, and searchcoil cover.

Last update on 2025-03-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Garret Ace 400 Frequently Asked Questions

What Accessories Come With The Garrett Ace 400 Kit?

The number of accessories you get with your detector depends on where you buy the product from. 

Sellers both online and in retail stores create different packages to get a price advantage over their competitors. 

If you look closely, you will find the below-mentioned products in every package. 

  • Ace 400 metal detector
  • ClearSound Easy Stow Headphones 
  • Ace control box cover-up
  • Search coil cover 
  • AA batteries (x4)

These are also the essentials you might need when hitting the field. 

Will The Garrett Ace 400 Metal Detector Find Gold?

The Garrett Ace 400 does not have any specific functions dedicated to gold prospecting, but it can locate small gold pieces with some minor configuration. 

The best way to find small gold pieces is to set the machine’s search mode to Relics mode and turn the iron audio on. 

This combination will help you find the small gold nuggets; however, it can also ignore medium-sized jewelry concealed among the trash.

Since the Ace 400 is not designed for gold prospecting, it also lacks the gold segmentation feature. 

When hovering the machine above a gold piece, it will show the target ID of trash items. 

In this situation, your best bet is to dig up the land and see if there’s any gold in the trash. 

Is the ACE 400 Metal Detector Good for the Beach?

The Ace 400 was not designed to work in saltwater, which means the device will not perform well if you go anywhere near it. 

You can use it on dry sand or white sand. 

The detector starts to sound off and shows false signals as the sand’s minerals react with the search coil’s detecting ability. 

Due to the lack of ground balance adjustments, you will have to go back to the basic settings and make changes there. 

You will have to turn down the sensitivity and increase the discrimination level. This will help you reduce the noise produced by the detector, but it will affect the performance.

Is the ACE 400 Metal Detector Waterproof?

Most detectorists look for hunting valuables like gold and other unique items near water bodies like beaches, lakes, creeks, etc. 

In such cases, the Ace 400 will be able to provide minimal assistance. 

The Ace 400 is waterproof but only in specific areas. The company offers a water-resistant search coil and shaft. 

However, the control box is not waterproof, and it should not be dipped or submerged in the water. 

Is the Garrett Ace 400 a Good Metal Detector?

The Garrett Ace 400 is loaded with features such as iron audio, adjustable notching, cam locks, and electronic pinpointing. 

It has all the advanced features to make it highly functional and a formidable competitor to other detectors on the market. 

Even though it has a low price, the device is exceptionally well-designed. 

The Ace 400 does have some limitations, but they won’t make a difference for amateurs and hobbyists hitting the field for the first time. 

It can be used as a learning tool and can help you master all kinds of terrains. 

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